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Monday, 27 August 2012

The Hippy Hippy Shake Company Sits Down With... Emilio Pinchi!

That's right. The Hippy Hippy Shake Company got to interview the handsome, talented, and (if his recent A-Level results are anything to go by) intelligent local acoustic genius, Emilio Pinchi. And what's better, he's agreed to open the show on Saturday the 27th at our Hippy Horror Halloween festival! After his fab performance at HippyHaze over Easter and recent acceptance into Paul McCartney's Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (informally known as LIPA) we felt ever so slightly star-struck watching Emilio perform effortlessly for a room full of eagerly listening fans. We felt even more fantastic when he agreed to a quick interview not five minutes after he came off the Sugarmill stage on the 17th August in spite of the fact everyone was pulling him in about a million different directions...


Emilio! Thank you for taking the time to chat with us. What's the name, what's the deal, where are you from, what are you about?
I'm half Italian, hence the name... Then what is Emilio Pinchi about? Haha, well I've been in bands since I was about fifteen so for three years. But then when I was between bands, I decided to start playing some acoustic stuff, writing my own music, booking gigs and it took off from there really.

Wow, our very own Italian stallion! So how much time do you actually invest into your music?
Pretty much all I do is writing music, playing, thinking up ideas. Like I'll be out and I'll have an idea and have to put it into my phone. I'm like, 'Everybody stop. I've had an idea.' So really most of my time goes into my music and producing it, promoting it and performing it.

And you've just finished your A-Levels right?
Yes... I did music, music tech, geography and media and I got one A and three B's. I'm amazed about media... I was not confident coming out of that exam. I've never sat an exam before and thought, 'I've failed' before but I did with that. Can't believe it! And now I'm heading off to Paul McCartney's LIPA in September. I move in around the start of September and it all starts from there. I'm so excited to be moving to the centre of Liverpool.

But we're going to lose you! 
Don't worry, I'm coming back to play Hippy Horror remember, so don't worry!

Phew. Thank God for that, eh? Are you going to wear a Halloween costume for Hippy Horror. You have to.
I think I do have to don't I? Well, I'm performing on the Saturday and I think that is Dead Celebrities day so I've got something up my sleeve but its a secret. Its one of my heroes. You'll just have to wait and see...

Keeping us in suspense. It had better be worth it! Tell me who some of your heroes are then.
Radiohead are my biggest influence really. Elliot Smith is really good. I always write better when I've just been listening to Radiohead. It puts me in the mood for it. I love Nirvana too. I don't write many happy songs... those guys inspire me to write dark songs. Who wants to listen to happy songs anyway?

So since your songs are so dark and twisty, where do you come up with the inspiration to write them?
The usual stuff. I have a couple of songs which I've written for people. There is one actually which I've written for someone and I've never played it live because it would just be too hard.

Awh! Is it for a girl?
It is! I'm between girlfriends like I'm between bands...

That's sad. But I've noticed that most of your fans are girls so maybe you could just pick one...
Haha, this is true my fanbase is mostly girls. I don't know why! I've never really thought about who my fanbase is made up of before. I just want anyone that gets me to come to my show and enjoy the music. It makes me happy, But I don't know why they are mostly girls.

Oh yeah, we wonder too (*insert sarcastic stare*)... What has been the best gig that you remember playing?
I really enjoyed tonight, that was good. During one of my songs there was like, TOTAL SILENCE which was really eerie but cool. Its nice seeing people listening so intently at a gig. At one of my gigs a lady gave me £20 for my EP and wouldn't take change from me! I guess she really enjoyed the performance but that was so generous of her. That was one of my best gigs. 

How about the worst gig? Have you ever done anything embarrassing on stage?
I'm dead clumsy in real life so I've tripped over on stage when I've been in bands so many times. Worst gig ever was quite recently when I showed up to play and there was literally not a single person there. I played to the bar staff. Having said that I don't mind playing to an empty room because gigging is all about practice as well as getting your sound out there. Getting to hear yourself through a PA rather than just in your bedroom is worth it. Plus, bar staff are still people aren't they?

They are! So finally, what's your favorite The Hippy Hippy Shake Company milkshake?
The one named after me. One of the specials at the moment is called the 'Emilio Pinchi' and it has Jaffa Cake, Fruit and Nut, Toffee Sauce and Whipped Cream. It is so good! Everyone should get one!

They should! Well thank you for the interview Mr Pinchi, we thoroughly enjoyed your performance tonight.
Thank you for coming :D


And with that, Emilio breezed back into his friendship group as if he isn't one of the most promising musicians that Stoke-on-Trent has to offer. As if it wasn't nice enough that Emilio used his post-performance buzz to provide us with a fun and energetic interview, he also handed us a complementary copy of his current EP. It's all we've been listening to for the past couple of days and we can honestly say that we can't wait to be swaying along in the Hippy Horror tent to Slow Down and Sunday Night. He's like our very own version of an Ed Sheeran/Noel Gallagher combo, but better and we absolutely love it. Check out his SoundCloud page and send him a Tweet for a copy of the EP at @@EmilioPinchi This guy is going places. See him at Hippy Horror on the 27th October at 11am before he blows up into a world-wide super-star...


Love and milkshakes
The Hippy Hippy Shake Company

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